Two Strikes

I may be wrong about my initial diagnosis of JD Vance as being a Gamma male.

  • CDAN: The payment billionaire finally got what he wanted. He has the possible #2 in his pocket who could very well be the A++ lister in the future. It is amazing what can occur in “meetings” back in the day that leave you vulnerable to being exploited.
  • Charles Johnson: I pointed out that Vance, who would ban all abortions, has no real women around him on his staff. I even went into detail about there are similar comparisons between Vance and Obama on the closeted gay stuff… One of the oddly consistently parts of Vance’s politics has been an opposition to gay marriage, The Nation notes. Why? Is this like Senator Joseph McCarthy — another Republican closet case — being leveraged?

CDAN is referring to Peter Thiel and JD Vance. If true, this certainly would explain why the Republican Party’s longstanding opposition to LGBT rights has suddenly vanished from the platform. And why Mawmaw felt the need to ask young JD if he harbored any particular proclivities.

I’m not saying Vance is a closet case. There isn’t enough information to conclude anything one way or the other. But there is observably a certain buzz about him in Republican insider circles that might not unreasonably be described as a William F. Buckley vibe.