Sayonara, Kurils

Japan has made the mistake of further submitting to Clown World, thereby ensuring they will never get the Northern Territories back from Russia.

Tokyo will shoulder 520 billion yen ($3.3 billion) in loans to Kiev funded by proceeds from Russian assets blocked as part of Western sanctions, the Kyodo news agency reported on Wednesday citing diplomatic sources. The figure represents some 6% of the massive loan agreed by the Group of Seven natons during their summit in Italy in June. G7 leaders reached an agreement on using interest from frozen Russian funds to finance a $50 billion loan to help Kiev buy weapons and rebuild damaged infrastructure.

Japan never signed a peace treaty with the Soviet Union after WWII. And Russia has already told Japan there will be no peace treaty so long as the Japanese continue to side with NATO. This move puts Japan firmly into enemy nation status and makes it very unlikely that Russia will agree to give up the Kuril Islands. And given the alliance between China and Russia, this also means kissing the Senkaku Islands goodbye as well.

I can only assume that once Clown World begins to collapse and Japan belatedly breaks with it, the Japanese will plead that they were still being occupied by the US military and therefore unable to resist Clown World’s demands. I also doubt that will cut much ice with either China or Russia.