Moderna Deadlier Than Pfizer

Data from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna not-vaxx was significantly more dangerous than the Pfizer not-vaxx, up to TWICE as deadly for those who were in their 20s at the time.

Official government record-level data obtained through a FOIA request from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna COVID vaccine increased all-cause-mortality (ACM) as measured over a 12-month period from the time of vaccination for every age as compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

If the COVID vaccines were safe, the overall ACM across different vaccine brands would be very similar.

This is not the case. They are radically different and the difference is highly statistically significant.

For example, for ages 46-69 who got two shots of Moderna vs. two shots of Pfizer in 2021 in the Czech Republic, there is over a 50% higher risk of death measured over a 1 year time window since the time of the shot as shown in the chart above.

The younger you were, the greater the percentage increase in risk. For 20 to 29 year old’s for example, the MRR (mortality rate ratio between Moderna to Pfizer) approached 2:1 which means you more than doubled your all-cause mortality if you took a Moderna shot.

So even if the Pfizer vaccine was 100% safe, the Moderna vaccine should be immediately stopped as being far too deadly to use for any age group.

The 50% number is an absolute ACM increase compared to the Pfizer ACM value, not a comparison of excess mortality risk.

That’s a train wreck. Vaccines are always supposed to reduce absolute ACM. Vaccines are never supposed to increase ACM, even by a little bit.

But, of course, they weren’t vaccines, as Karl Denninger and I were pointing out to everyone before they were even introduced. Gene therapy is not a vaccine. However, the fact that Moderna was the worst doesn’t mean the others were safe; the Pfizer not-vaxx increased a recipient’s chances of dying too. We don’t have any data for this in the USA yet, because, as with childhood vaccines, the scientists are very carefully not looking at the safety evidence.

There isn’t a single mortality comparison by brand posted by a public health agency anywhere in the world ever. Not even in internal documents. That’s appalling. Yet nobody in the mainstream medical community ever voiced a concern about the lack of this sort of obvious safety monitoring and the total lack of data transparency. If they looked, they would have found exactly what I found: a major problem. It took me less than 15 hours from the time I got the data to spot the huge anomaly in the data.

Which means, of course, that there is still no evidence that the not-vaxxes are “safe and effective”. It’s really remarkable that so many people fell for the “trust the science” rhetoric when it was completely obvious that absolutely no actual science was being performed.