Pfizer is now making up to 90 percent of all the cheese sold in the USA:
“90% of the cheese sold in the U.S. does not use animal rennet and instead uses a genetically modified organism (GMO) version made by Pfizer”
They use a loophole to get around having to label all our cheese as GMO, Here’s how:
“90% of US cheese has now been infiltrated by one of the world’s largest biopharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, and it has GMOs.”
Traditionally, cheese is made with just 4 ingredients, milk, salt, starter culture, and animal rennet, which is a clotting agent that’s used to curdle milk into cheese.
Today, there are 4 different kinds of rennet used in the cheese industry, and reports are stating that the most commonly used kind is a genetically modified version called FPC, or a fermentation produced chymosin made by Pfizer.
These alternative rennets are both cheaper to use and speed up the aging process, which like always means greater profits. The crazy part is no one knows that they’re eating this or how it’s really affecting us.
Because this FBC rennet is labeled as GRAS or generally recognized as safe, it creates a loophole that exempt Pfizer or other companies from having to label these products as GMO. And due to Pfizer’s massive amount of wealth and power, it’s now made its way into about 90% of our cheese.
It’s definitely time to switch to organic European imported cheeses. Or, I suppose, Velveeta. That should be safe, since I don’t think it’s possible to genetically modify plastic. But regardless, I wouldn’t touch the Pfizerized FPC cheese.

And keep this in mind: 43% of food additives are designated ‘GRAS’ and don’t get FDA oversight. Essentially, we must trust that food companies will conduct unbiased safety determinations before adding these new GRAS substances to our food.