At least not by email. If you want to know why I am so actively hostile to being asked questions about pretty much anything, I invite you to consider the sort of thing that I still see in my email on a regular basis. Here’s one from just this morning.
I got into a huge argument with my co-workers who are all atheists. They now all think I am crazy because I seriously question evolution. Their main argument is that human dna and chimp dna are extremely close. I foolishly did not believe them, however when I checked online it said 98.8% similarity. If that is true then I’m gonna have to admit it, however I don’t know what is true. I personally think the entire thing is a scam, but I am not smart enough nor expertise enough to know how to prove it.
First, none of these retards are intelligent enough to be having a meaningful discussion about evolution. That’s obvious, considering the way they’re arguing over something that is a) meaningless, b) irrelevant, and c) scientifically outdated. It wouldn’t matter if human DNA and starfish DNA were 100 percent identical, that still wouldn’t suffice to prove that the theory of evolution by natural selection was correct. Sweet St. George, how I despise democracy!
Second, I have already addressed the theory of evolution repeatedly and in considerable detail. I have even presented a mathematical disproof that has thus far failed to meet with any meaningful critique and has not been refuted or even substantially addressed by any advocate of TE(p)NSSSBMGD&GF, which is to say, the Theorum of Evolution by (probably) Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, Biased Mutation, Genetic Drift, and Gene Flow, which I believe includes most, though probably not all, of the evolutionary epicycles now required to explain away the pre-VD critiques of the theory. So, it’s pretty safe to say that if you have a question, the answer to it is already on the blog.

Third, in case it has somehow escaped your attention, there are a lot of people who read this blog. We have an entire social media community filled with very smart, very well-informed individuals who are perfectly capable of answering ignorant questions asked by relative retards. So if you have a question, start by asking it on SG, there are always a few Smart Boys who live for that sort of thing who will be absolutely delighted to show you how smart and well-informed they are. Which, by the way, answers the recent question that appeared on Sigma Game concerning what are the positive benefits of Gamma. They can be positive life-savers in this regard!
Fourth, when you consider that this blog has been around for 21 years and has well over 100 million views, what are the chances that no one has ever asked your Very Important Question before? What are the odds that I haven’t already answered it in a public manner?
Fifth and finally, save it for Stupid Question Day on the Darkstream.
Addendum: No, I won’t do an interview. I don’t care how Very Special and Important your publication or university happens to be. The answer is still no. When I’ve rejected multiple interview requests from The New York Times and Fox News, do you really think I’m eager to take advantage of “your chance to tell your side of the story”?