That’s exactly what the Notting Hill Carnival is. It’s just that the reality of African culture happens to be a little different than innocent British people believe it to be:
Last weekend was supposed to be a joyous Bank Holiday celebration of Caribbean culture — all steel bands, carnival processions and sequined costumes for adults and children alike, a riot of noise and colour.
But, as happens every year, all the good news about Notting Hill Carnival paled into insignificance. What was originally intended to be a showpiece for West Indian traditions has turned into an annual horror show of violence and crime.
This year eight men were stabbed — with two of them remaining in intensive care with serious injuries.
More than 75 police officers were attacked, some punched and kicked, one was sexually assaulted. Six officers were bitten and others were urinated on from upstairs windows.
Thugs with machetes were filmed running through the streets amid a terrifying air of menace. More than 300 people were arrested for violence, sexual offences and possession of drugs and dangerous weapons. There was open drug-taking; and people using the front gardens of long-suffering residents as toilets.
How is this still a surprise to anyone, 50 years after American flight from the “plight” of the inner cities? Or anyone who has ever visited a city in Africa?
The dirt is not magic. It never was.
The Windrush will inevitably be seen more as historically devastating to Britain than the Norman invasion or the Great War. By 2045, there will be a place for London in this meme.