We have no plans to introduce vaccine passports. We have vaccinated, as of yesterday, 2,431,648 first dose and 412,167 second dose. No one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport
Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi, 10 January 2021
Mr. Zahawi, presumably of the Oxford Zahawis, who is obviously every bit as British as any Angle, any Saxon, and any descendant of Alfred the Great, has unaccountably changed his tune of late.
Nadhim Zahawi today confirmed vaccine passports will be required to gain entry to large venues, arguing the documents are the ‘best way’ to avoid winter Covid closures. The Vaccine Minister said the Government is concerned large venues ‘could end up causing a real spike in infections’ because of groups of people mixing in close proximity.
Minister Nadhim Zahawi confirms vaccine passports WILL be required for entry to large venues from October to avoid winter closures, Daily Mail, 5 September 2021
Nine months is all it requires for conspiracy theory to become conspiracy reality these days. In a more honest and accurate word, conspiracy theorists would be described as spoiler alerts.