The great Japanese novelist’s answer demonstrates, as you can probably imagine, an interesting and unusual perspective:
“Mr. Murakami, how would you respond if someone were to ask you, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ I would say, ‘There is no meaning to anyone’s life. It’s enough to be free,’ but I wonder if this shows a lack of responsibility or human emotion.”
“My answer would be ‘That’s something to think about after you die.’ While we’re still in the middle of being alive, it’s hard to really see the meaning behind it. We’re all busy, and we get caught up in all sorts of situations. So let’s think it over at our leisure after we pass away. I don’t think it’s too late to come to a conclusion after that.”
My answer, as both a Christian and a gamer, is this: “The meaning of life is to prepare for Level Two.” Which is why I don’t think we’ll necessarily have a lot of leisure to think over the past, unless we’ve been cast out into Outer Darkness.