Boomer logic

Save the useless old people first! The cri de coeur of the Boomer facing the possibility of a Corona-chan-based Boomercaust.

Throughout the developing crisis in Italy, however, I’ve noticed a worrying ageism in the language surrounding the question of who to treat first. Some medics have been openly admitting that they are prioritising younger patients over older ones.

I appreciate the huge difficulties doctors in Italy are facing, but this is not acceptable. Ageism is the last bastion of acceptable prejudice in society. Phrases such as ‘they were old anyway’ and ‘they’ve had a good life’ are bandied about without thinking about what they really mean.

Does your age mean your life is worth less than someone else’s?

Yes, absolutely! There are multiple reasons to prioritize saving younger people in these circumstances and every elderly individual worth his salt wouldn’t hesitate to agree. Damned Boomers can’t even die with dignity; it’s no surprise that so many of them are going out caterwauling and crying about their importance to the bitter end.

First, the principles of triage dictate that the old people most at risk be treated last. Their treatment consumes more medical resources to less avail than any other population. Second, the principles of economics dictate that old people most at risk be treated last. Their treatment costs considerably more, which means fewer of them can be treated. Third, the principles of fairness dictate that old people be treated last. They have already lived most of their lives, where the young have not. And fourth, the principles of societal survival dictate that old people be treated last. They can neither maintain or sustain society, while the young must live if society is to survive.

Prioritizing medical treatement for the young over the elderly is not only acceptable, it is absolutely necessary, especially in times when resources are limited. Not only is it not “agism” to deprioritize the treatment of the elderly, it is pure anti-societal narcissism for any elderly individual to demand equal medical priority for his age cohort.