Corporate Cancer: How to Work Miracles and Save Millions by Curing Your Company is now available at Arkhaven and at Amazon.
The corporate cancer of social justice convergence is costing corporations literal billions of dollars even as it drives both productive employees and loyal customers away, destroys valuable brands, and eats away at market capitalizations. From Internet startups to entertainment giants, convergence is killing corporations as they focus on social justice virtue signaling at the expense of good business practices, sales, profits, and retaining loyal customers.
In Corporate Cancer, Vox Day explains how you can fight social justice convergence in your own organization for both personal and corporate profit, and why you must do so if you want to keep your job.
If you are a patron of the Replatforming, check your email, as you should have received a coupon that entitles you to a free download of the digital edition in both Epub and Kindle formats. Resistance Leaders and Heroes of the Resistance will be receiving download links to the audiobook when it is ready. If you are one of the latter, be sure that you have provided your mailing address as the paperbacks will be sent out before the end of the month.
And in other book-related news, the Junior Classics have now passed 1400 percent of goal! There are only three days left in the campaign, so if you haven’t backed them yet, time is rapidly running out.