Blizzard, converged

It’s always informative to see how SJWs regularly ignore their own Terms of Use in order to serve the Narrative:

Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and Diablo forced the guild “Make Azeroth Great Again” to change their name.

WoW Classic player and the leader of the guild Cogblast spoke to GameByte after they reported another guild called “GAY BOYS” was forced to change their name.

Cogblast told Gamebyte, “[Blizzard] did the same thing to my WoW Classic guild ‘Make Azeroth Great Again,’ which was just a tongue-in-cheek name for what was really just a social guild. We got it changed back, and then twelve hours later it was force-changed again.”

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Cogblast shared emails he received from Blizzard with Gamebyte that detailed the name would be changed with the specific infraction being an “inappropriate name” and that the guild had been reported multiple times.

In fact, the original email stated, “Due to these player reports we have renamed your World of Warcraft Guild.”

However, a subsequent email from a Blizzard Game Master detailed that the name should not have been changed. The Game Master told Cogmaster, ” took a look here and I am very sorry this happened. I fixed your name and removed the penalty from your account here.”

They added, “You are correct that the name does not break our [Terms of Service].”

However, as Cogblast told GameByte, the name would be forcibly removed again.

Cogblast explained, “[A Blizzard rep] contacted me in-game [and] he basically told me that the name was not ‘RP friendly,’ and that this standard was at least partially based on the opinions of the server.”

Sometimes it matters, and sometimes it doesn’t. Regardless, their hypocrisy knows no bounds, so we should not hesitate to force them to conform to our standards and social mores.