Deal or no deal

Brexit is taking place on 31 October no matter how much the EU blusters:

Newly appointed PM Boris Johnson has set up a ‘war cabinet’ to push through Brexit ‘by any means necessary’ by October 31.

In a move similar to Tony Blair’s ‘sofa government’, Mr Johnson will make all key decisions over Brexit with a team of just six senior ministers – all of whom are Brexiteers. Michael Gove, Chancellor Sajid Javid, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay, and the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox will be the core group of advisors to plot the UK’s exit from the EU.

Cabinet attendee and Mr Johnson’s former rival Michael Gove has also warned that there is ‘now a very real prospect’ of no deal. Michael Gove, who has been tasked by new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to boost preparations for a no-deal Brexit, has said that the government is ‘working on the assumption’ that the European Union will not strike a new agreement.

‘We will exit the EU on October 31. No ifs. No buts. No more delay. Brexit is happening,’ said Gove in the Sunday Times.

Boris Johnson is a political animal, not a man of principle. But he is also a historian and an admirer of Churchill. This means that he understands that the British people favor Brexit and that British history will smile on the Prime Minister who keeps Britain out of the continent’s clutches.

Rule by the EU is no better than rule by Guthrum, Philip II, Napoleon, or Hitler. And the leaders of England who are considered great are invariably those who kept England free of control by continental masters.

Boris has always believed he is a man of destiny, and here, at last, is a challenge worthy of his self-belief. The Remain Parliament’s fundamental weakness is that the new Prime Minister can destroy it at any time by calling a general election and replacing a good number of the current parliament’s Remain Tories and Labourites with Leave Tories and Brexit Party MPs. Boris is also demonstrating that he understands the art of the deal. The EU is only going to cave and be reasonable if its Commissioners believe that a No Deal Brexit is actually going to take place… or has already taken place. Until now, they clearly did not believe it, as evidenced by their panic-stricken response to the new Prime Minister’s muscular rhetoric.

Meanwhile, the treasonous Remainers are buying the pro-Remain media’s BS and placing their trust in a spectacularly weird fish-faced freak to stop Britain regaining its independence.

Philip Hammond, who resigned as chancellor ahead of Mr Johnson’s appointment, has been drumming up support for the campaign to block the Prime Minister’s No Deal Brexit plans. He wants Mr Stewart, the unlikely star of the Tory leadership contest, to lead the charge.

This is why you should never get high off your own supply. The “unlikely star” came in fifth, and only did that well because he was the only Remain candidate left after the second round. The only people likely to rally around that Lovecraftian creature hail from Innsmouth.