Fencing Bear isn’t impressed with arguments for distancing and abandoning others out of fear that you’ll be next.
This post is about fear and how SJWs use it to silence you by making you disavow your friends.
“You know Vox is alt-right, don’t you?” one of my friends messaged me after watching our video.
Me: “I have heard my Vile Boyfriend described that way, too. Funny that.”
My friend: “Your ‘vile boyfriend’ hasn’t come out and actually stated he is alt-right.”
Me: “And yet, oddly, he is still friends with Vox. So much so that he wrote a foreword for Vox’s book. Twice. In case there is any question: Vox is no more ‘alt-right’ in the terms you mean than Milo is. They are friends.”
My friend: “Yeah. That is odd and troubling. You are clearly ignoring the large swath of Vox’s words and ideology because of your fascination with Milo.”
Me: “Why? Milo is not a white supremacist, if that is what you are worrying about. Neither is Vox. Nothing Vox says is any more ‘extreme’ than, for example, what Douglas Murray has said [about immigration]. And Douglas Murray tours with Jordan Peterson. I am not ‘fascinated’ with Milo. I love Milo.”
My friend: “You are obsessed. You are obsessed to the point that you cannot see the danger Vox presents to not only your reputation and friendships but your career. I am saying this because you are a friend, and I don’t want to see you destroyed because of this.”
My friend clearly hasn’t been paying attention. Doesn’t he know that warning me not to go look is simply to guarantee that I will?
Of course I went and looked. (Take your time. Vox has been writing about Milo even longer than I have.) What did I find? Vox and Milo are friends because Vox and Milo are on the same side—God’s side. Vox has stood by Milo, again, for even longer than I have, never once feeling the temptation that Professor Peterson did, to claim that he had not “followed Milo that carefully.”
Even though Milo is gay and Vox is a devout Christian who believes sodomy is a sin.
Little did I know, but Vox has been there all along, taking the hits for Milo, when I thought that Milo was all alone before he found John.
Talk about the Voice of God: Milo stood by me when I made a media misstep that angered people at Breitbart. I stood by Milo when the media attempted to crucify him for his Joe Rogan interview and he lost his book deal with Simon & Schuster. That’s what friends and allies do, even when the other individual is flawed, imperfect, or behaves in a suboptimal manner. And only a fool or a social reject abandons people over mere differences of opinion or the occasional moral failure.
But what about Vox’s “words and ideology” that my friend was warning me against? Surely mere friendship should not be enough to make me lose my discretion.
Consider what has been said about Milo.
Consider how many lies are out there about him.
Consider how I have spent the past two and a half years—just like Vox—defending Milo when the whole world was coming for him and calling him names.
Names like “white supremacist.” Names like “pedophile apologist.” Names like “Nazi.”
Milo is none of these things, and yet everyone on social media seems to know that these names are true.
They aren’t. They are lies. Just like the lies spread about Vox.
Now, why would that be?
Vox knows. Vox wrote the book on it.
Two of them, as it happens. There is more. Read the whole thing there.