The question really answers itself. From the comments on the recent Voxiversity video on the Socio-Sexual hierarchy:
Captain Memo: Why reverse gamma and delta though? gamma comes before delta in the alphabet.
Scott Birch: Delta signifies change. Deltas are mostly like to shift socio-sexual profiles in their journey through life. This is mentioned in the video.
Captain Memo: Still why not describe gammas first since that makes alphabetical sense? And how does Delta signify change? It’s a letter.
Scott Birch: Google is your friend, “Captain”.
Captain Memo: I did that. It signifies difference between quantities in a mathematical sense. I guess you could steelman voxday and say that it’s about change. But why reverse the two letters in the presentation? It seems to me that he doesn’t know the correct order. Or maybe he did this because he wanted to shit on Peterson last for more effect.
VD: Because a) the labels are irrelevant and b) it serves as useful Gamma bait. You can always count on the Gammas to sperg out on the irrelevant details just to show what Smart Boys they are. The hierarchy is what it is. The behaviors exist. It’s not a freaking test of your knowledge of the alphabet, FFS.
You can always, Always, ALWAYS count on a Gamma to completely miss the point in search of a way to publicly demonstrate that he is a Smart Boy. If the Gamma is not arguing that the Alpha-Beta hierarchy has been disproven due to new research on wolf packs, he is obsessing over whether an alphabet that not one percent of the English-speaking population knows is being correctly cited in order.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the additional Gamma tell, as if it was needed. “It seems….”
Every single time.