More child abuse in UKistan

Thank God the UK authorities are protecting the British people from Britney Pettibone!

A brutal sex gang raped as many as 1,000 young girls over 40 years in what may be Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child abuse scandal.

Girls in the town of Telford, Shropshire, were drugged, beaten and raped at the hands of a grooming gang active since the 1980s.

Allegations are said to have been mishandled by authorities, with many perpetrators going unpunished, while it is claimed similar abuse continues in the area.

Home Office figures show there were 15.1 child sex crimes reported per 10,000 residents in the year to September 2015.

The most astonishing thing, to me, is the utterly supine nature of the British people. They conquered the world and defeated Germany twice only to lie down and submit to third world rape for fear of being called racist.

Where are the fathers? Why are they permitting their daughters to be drugged, beaten, and raped?

And the local politicians are “calling for an inquiry”? Mass deportations and executions would be considerably more in order.