Literal student actors

The Parkland students/crisis actors speaking out for gun control are actors. Literal actors, as in, members of the school’s TV and drama clubs.

Here’s where it gets a little more intriguing. Note the two “Stop Joseph Kony” groups on the Facebook page of Alex Wind. That is quite odd because the Kony 2012 campaign was a US State Department misleading propaganda campaign (largely considered to be a psyop) used to expand the presence of AFRICOM in Africa…. Now guess who helped head up the Kony2012/Invisible Children campaign for the US State Department? None other than Brennan Gilmore who was the main media personality/witness for the Charlottesville car incident in summer 2017. Thus, it is quite an interesting coincidence that these Kony2012 groups are the only groups on the Facebook page of Alex Wind, student actor and one of the lead media promoted personalities for the Parkland shooting event….

So there you have it, they just happened to be running a bunch of active shooter drills that day and wearing lots of gory makeup and a crazy kid who looks comatose just happened to show up at the school and shoot a bunch of people for real and then they just happened to fortunately be a bunch of student actors that had well rehearsed lines about how angry they are about guns, except when they were caught smiling for the photo shoots, of course.

As I said before, it’s all fake. Risibly so. As I have often said, the only thing you can be absolutely certain did not happen is the Official Story that is reported by the media.