Rolling the dice

Although Rebel, Captain Europa, and Dynamique have been the stars of the Freestartr campaign, we have a number of other superheroes who have not yet been introduced. One of the most enigmatic is Shade of the Global Justice Initiative, whose identity is unknown to everyone, including Captain Europa, as are the full extent of his abilities. What is known is that he is ruthless in his devotion to the European vision and as unanswerable to any authority as the European Commission itself.

You will be able to meet him, and other Homo sequens, in the Alt★Hero Role-Playing Game, which will be published in the form of a hardcover rulebook by Chuck Dixon, Vox Day, and an anonymous RPG designer, and Campaign 001 by Jon Del Arroz.

We’ve been consulting with our distribution partner and kicking around various ideas, and between us we have tentatively worked out a way to deliver 24-page color comics to comic book stores for a retail price of $4.99 at a reseller-friendly discount. These will not be conventional comic books with a stapled, glossy paper cover, but thin perfect-bound paperbacks of exactly the same size on standard color 50-pound paper. A few questions still remain to be settled, but they are minor enough that we don’t anticipate any showstopping obstacles at this point. These 18 prospective books are NOT part of the campaign; we will simply be dividing the 48-page digital editions into 24-page quasi-comic books and selling them through the various retail channels in the interest of raising Alt★Hero’s profile.

Get in the game! Support the Alt★Hero campaign before it’s over.

UPDATE: a new draft page from Vol. 002 is up; scroll down to see it. Also, after consultation with Chuck Dixon, we have lowered Stretch Goal #11 to $185,000 for three more 48-page volumes of Avalon.

Dynamique was informed that she is letting down the Sisterhood by permitting herself to be objectified by the male gaze. Dynamique promptly apologized for not knowing English well enough to express the full extent of her lack of interest in what fat rosbif women with short hair and terrible shoes have to say about her attire, her career as a model, or indeed, anything at all. Then she blew smoke in their faces and didn’t bother to pretend it was an accident.