4 days left

And less than 5k to go to the role-playing game. But we’re not just sitting around with our fingers crossed, we’re continuing to make progress on every storyline. Here is a snippet; to see the full page sketched out with updated dialogue, visit the campaign and scroll down.

We will have a new draft page or image up there every day until the campaign ends, plus a very exciting new Reward that will be announced on the second-to-last day. There are also some interesting possibilities to discuss here; it turns out that it would be possible to publish these in conventional 24-page black-and-white paperbacks through our conventional channels.

This won’t be part of the campaign, but would there be any potential interest in those if they sold for $5? They could either be b/w or color; they wouldn’t be a conventional comic book cover, but a regular perfect-bound paperback the same size. I’m NOT saying we intend to do these, but it is genuinely doable.