Dreams of Avalon

This is genuinely exciting. It means that the author of the Alt★Hero series Avalon will be constructing a detailed city map of Avalon in cooperation with a highly skilled cartographer, bringing the fictional city to life in more ways than one. Later today, we will add a reward with various poster options, one of which is a full-color city map of Avalon. If you haven’t done so yet, you can join the campaign here.

Speaking of Mr. Dixon, The Injustice Gamer is enthusiastic, not only about Mr. Dixon’s involvement, but the specific way in which he is involved.

Chuck Dixon knows how to work in parallel with another writer. He also has been burned enough in the industry that if he trusts someone to put his name with a project, the deal is solid. What does his involvement with Alt*Hero mean? From what I’ve gathered from Vox’s postings, Dixon’s stories will be written in parallel, but entirely in a city called Avalon. In fact, that’s the name of the book.

There’s another well reputed book that features a city and its heroes. That’s Astro City, written by very liberal Kurt Busiek. Now, Mr. Busiek hasn’t sacrificed all his talent to preach SJW thought, but there’s been more instances in recent volumes. So, I’m going to hope that in many ways, Avalon will end up being a response to Astro City.

My experience with city-focused fiction has been more literary than comics, but I’m familiar enough with the genre to be stoked about the possibilities this creates. And, by the way, in the event you are a very good illustrator, we’ve decided it would be a good idea to add one more to the Alt★Hero team. If you think you’ve got the necessary skills, please send me a link to your portfolio.

And in case you’re interested, this is a concept illustration of one of our new heroes, Ryu no Seishin, also known as Spirit of the Dragon. She is another of our backer-designed heroes, and was designed by the very woman who will be cosplaying her.