Alt★Hero is go on Freestartr. We apologize in advance for any inadvertent mass triggerings that may result from the release of this video. You’ll want to check out the campaign every day, because we will be adding a new page, as well as additional character art, on a daily basis. The video can be watched here as well.
On the production side, those of you who are Voxiversity supporters may be pleased to note that this video was produced by the Voxiversity producer. Also, for both campaigns, be sure to provide us with your emails so we can get in contact with you and provide you with the relevant information and digital products.
UPDATE Four hours. Four freaking hours! That’s how long it took to fully fund Alt★Hero by 242 backers, which is now officially green-lighted. Someone told me that it would be fully funded on the first day and I did not believe them, although the five thousand angry tweets by Comics SJWs in response to one image of Rebel did make me wonder.
So, thank you all, and rest assured that together, we will Make Comics Great Again and have a great deal of fun in the process.
We’ll figure out how to accept one-offs and additional orders over the weekend. For foreign backers, don’t worry about the US forms. Just cram everything into the US form, including your country. Freestartr will fix that, but in the meantime that will work.
Rebel wasn’t really expecting to have to get ready quite so quickly….