I think they’re done laughing

The SJW Trigger Sequence:

  1. LOL! LMAO! LMFAO! HAHAHAHAHA! So very ha!
  2. Me no care. Give zero fucks.

GAYLIEN‏ @GuyWithOpinion1
You know, I usually just laugh at you, but honestly fuck off and die. You don’t get to shit on Jack fucking Kirby’s grave, you Nazi fuck.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Sure I do. He was a midget, a bullshitter, and he couldn’t draw hands or ears. I see we’ve gone from Stage One to Stage Three.

Drew Habits‏ @DrewHabits
If Jack Kirby were alive today, he’d probably kick your ass with his 100-year-old muscles while you pooped your Dukes of Hazzard underoos

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Jack Kirby was a midget and a bullshitter. He wasn’t kicking anyone’s ass, except maybe a little girl’s.

Ten‏ @tenryuuwu
if kirby were alive today he’d steal your lunch money and give you a swirly

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
That’s antisemitic. Jews are not all thieves. And Kirby wasn’t big enough to pick me up, let alone give me a swirly.

Whatever happened to all the laughing? Well, they’re clearly not triggered or anything.

By the way, I performed a little science at the gym today, testing out hypotheses. It turns out I could curl the little midget four times cleanly, six if I cheated. Figure eight at peak.

UPDATE: Now MovieBob is weighing in.