Go f— yourselves, Fake News

They are REALLY not going to like Senator Rock:

Kid Rock’s response to a watchdog group accusing him of violating a federal election law was classic Kid Rock — ” … go f— yourselves.”

The group Common Cause says the Detroit musician violated the law by declaring himself a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in Michigan but not registering his candidacy or reporting campaign contributions. They filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission and also asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate whether the musician —whose real name is Robert Ritchie — has violated election law.

Ritchie dismissed the allegations, issuing the following statement, “I am starting to see reports from the misinformed press and the fake news on how I am in violation of breaking campaign law. #1: I have still not officially announced my candidacy. #2: See #1 and go f— yourselves.”

I’d say he’s off to an EXCELLENT start.