Notice that both wages and living standards rose as immigration fell, and both have fallen as immigration has increased and gotten out of hand. Immigration does not benefit a society. It destroys and impoverishes it.
The good news, such as it is, is that those higher numbers will never be reached. The USA will collapse long before that point, most likely a few years before 2040.
But at least Americans will have the satisfaction of knowing that no one ever called them racist, right?
Even the globalist Foreign Affairs realizes that the current situation is no longer tenable.
Regarding cultural assimilation, advocates of open immigration policies often argue that there is no problem. During the last great wave of immigration, from roughly 1880 to 1920, Americans feared the newcomers would not blend in, but for the most part they ended up assimilating. Therefore, as this reasoning goes, all immigrants will assimilate.
Unfortunately, however, circumstances that helped Great Wave immigrants assimilate are not present today. First, World War I and then legislation in the early 1920s dramatically reduced new arrivals. By 1970 less than 5 percent of the U.S. population was foreign-born, down from 14.7 percent in 1910. This reduction helped immigrant communities assimilate, as they were no longer continually refreshed by new arrivals from the old country. But in recent decades, the dramatic growth of immigrant enclaves has likely slowed the pace of assimilation. Second, many of today’s immigrants, like those of the past, have modest education levels, but unlike in the past, the modern U.S. economy has fewer good jobs for unskilled workers. Partly for this reason, immigrants do not improve their economic situation over time as much as they did in the past.
Third, technology allows immigrants to preserve ties with the homeland in ways that were not possible a century ago. Calling, texting, emailing, FaceTiming, and traveling home are all relatively cheap and easy. Fourth, the United States’ attitude toward newcomers has also changed. In the past, there was more of a consensus about the desirability of assimilation.
Fifth, it’s not just harder for multicultural, multireligious USicans to assimilate Africans and Muslims and mestizos than it was for Christian Anglo-Americans to partially assimilate Northern and Southern Europeans, it is impossible.