Angela Merkel has got to be the most shameless hypocrite in the world today.
Angela Merkel has told German citizens that the biggest challenge the country is facing is from Islamist terrorism. In her New Year message she tells Germans that their country is stronger than terrorism and the government will do everything to ensure ‘security in freedom’.
In her annual televised message, which is being broadcast today, chancellor Mrs Merkel says 2016 has been ‘a year of severe tests’, the toughest of them Islamic extremist terror. But she adds, however, that she is ‘confident for Germany’.
‘It is particularly bitter and sickening when terror attacks are committed by people who claim to seek protection in our country,’ Mrs Merkel, who has faced criticism for allowing large numbers of migrants into Germany in 2015, says in her address. But ‘in going about our life and our work, we are telling the terrorists: you are murderers full of hatred but you will not determine how we live and want to live’.
‘We are free, considerate and open,’ she adds.
What Germans are is sitting ducks, helpless and restrained from defending themselves, their nation, and their culture, as long as this horrible, hypocritical woman is in power.