Not looking good for Captain Underoos

We can’t know if KellyAnne is speaking for the God-Emperor Ascendant or not, but one would tend to imagine that she is, at the very least, speaking with his approval:

Appointing Mitt Romney as secretary of state would be viewed by many supporters of President-elect Donald Trump as a major betrayal, former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CNN on Sunday.

“It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity,” Conway said of the opposition to Romney among Trump supporters.

“Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state,” Conway wrote on Twitter on Thursday, linking to a POLITICO article about opposition to Romney.

“I felt compelled to come forward on behalf of the people who were weighing in,” Conway said of that tweet.

Speaking to correspondent Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Conway went on to say that she, too, had personal concerns with Romney getting the job of top diplomat, and she even took shots at Romney’s run for president in 2012.

“You know, Gov. Romney ran for the same office four years ago and lost spectacularly,” she said. “Mitt Romney lost Michigan by 10 points; Donald Trump just won it. Gov. Romney in the last four years, I mean, has he been around the globe doing something on behalf of the United States of which we’re unaware? Did he go and intervene in Syria, where they’re having a massive humanitarian crisis?” Conway asked. “Has he been helpful to Mr. Netanyahu?”

At this point, I would not expect either Guiliani or Romney to be Secretary of State. They don’t require vetting, so if they were going to be named, they already would have been named.

KellyAnne is hilarious. She followed up that shot with a Frum-slapping chaser:

David Frum @davidfrum
Trump won according to the rules, but if I were his team, I’d go ixnay on “the people have spoken” bit. Reality is just the reverse

 Kellyanne Conway ‏@KellyannePolls
Thx for advice @davidfrum.  Just saw vid of you on CBC Election night saying Trump trying to win “solidly Dem” Michigan was “delusional.”