Stefan and Mike have decided to release the audiobook for free on YouTube before the election. Spread the word!
To support Mike’s efforts, and for future reference, you can also buy the paperback. In other Castalia-related news, we’re pleased to be able to say that books from both our Dragon-winners, John C. Wright and Nick Cole, are now available in hardcover and paperback.
John C. Wright
- Iron Chamber of Memory (hardcover)
- Iron Chamber of Memory (paperback)
Nick Cole
- The End of the World as We Knew It (hardcover)
- The End of the World as We Knew It (paperback)
- Ctrl-Alt-Revolt! (hardcover)
- Ctrl-Alt-Revolt! (paperback)
I’m going with all three hardcovers myself; they will look fantastic on the bookshelves. Other Castalia books that will be out in print before Christmas include: The Nine Laws by Ivan Throne, The Missionaries by Owen Stanley, Back From the Dead by Rolf Nelson, and The Eden Plague by David Van Dyke.
UPDATE: In considerably less happy Castalia news, Jerry Pournelle’s wife Roberta suffered a stroke on Saturday night. Please pray for her and Jerry.