The cuffs are off

Donald Trump has cut himself loose from the Republican establishment and opened fire on Hillary as well as the globalist establishment she serves:

‘Wikileaks has given us a window into the secret corridors of government power,’ he said, ‘where we see a former secretary of state announcing her desire to end forever the American independence that our founders gave to us and wanted us to have. American soldiers have fought and died to win and keep America’s freedom, and now Hillary Clinton wants to surrender that freedom to these open borders, open trade, and a world government.’

‘These Wikileaks emails confirm what those of us here today have known all along: Hillary Clinton is the vessel of a corrupt globalist establishment that’s raiding our country and surrendering the sovereignty of our nation,’ he said. ‘This criminal government cartel doesn’t recognize borders but believes in global governance, unlimited immigration and rule by corporations.’

That is the public statement of a truly courageous leader of a nation. If Americans genuinely prefer to vote for a servant of the corrupt global establishment, they will fully merit their subsequent servitude and the loss of the remnants of their nation.