This is the open thread to discuss the results in South Carolina and Nevada. On the Democratic side, I understand Fox has called Nevada for Hillary Clinton, but it’s close.
UPDATE: Fox News is running a non-stop commercial for Ted Cruz in the last 30 minutes of the SC polls being open. Doubt it will do them any good at this point. But it’s good to know who the cuckservatives are pulling for now.
UPDATE 2: “Preliminary exit poll results indicate that three-quarters of the
state’s primary voters support temporarily banning Muslims who are not
U.S. citizens from entering the United States. That’s even more than the
support for this proposal among GOP voters in New Hampshire, 65 percent
– a core support group for Trump in that state.”
UPDATE 3: Decision Desk has Trump winning at 32.8 percent with 44.4 percent reporting. Fox News has called South Carolina for Trump. Now the only question is how big he will win it.
So much for Trump being finished in Iowa….
I enjoyed this exchange with GOP media guy Rick Wilson:
Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson
Anything less than 50% is a huge loss for @realDonaldTrump #SCPrimarySupreme Dark Lord @voxday
You’d say anything short of collective mass suicide by the other candidates was a huge loss for Trump.Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson
LOL grow a sense of humor, Vox.Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
So you didn’t think the idea that the SC mall shooter was a deranged Jeb Bush triggered by Trump’s victory was funny?Rick Wilson
I have no idea what you’re on about.
For some reason, my sense of humor frequently goes unrecognized.
Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
Active shooter reported at South Carolina mall. Wow, @realDonaldTrump’s success is really getting to @JebBush!