I have never claimed to be a conservative or a Republican. For some reason, a fair number of people seem to have trouble grasping this. But the real self-proclaimed conservatives don’t seem to have any trouble doing so, such as Mr. Marcus from yesterday’s post concerning his Federalist article.
David Marcus @BlueBoxDave
So @voxday did a portrait of me, the good news is he disavows conservatism as there is no place in it for him.Vox Day @voxday
You’re absolutely right. Unlike conservatives, I have principles beyond “don’t get called racist” and “incoming, surrender!”David Marcus @BlueBoxDave
Good luck with your American Nationalist movement. I can’t wait to see the outfits.Vox Day @voxday
It’s fascinating to see conservatives devolve to imitating the left. You’ve got nothing they don’t do better. #cuckservativeDavid Marcus @BlueBoxDave
Opposing racial discrimination is not a leftist position. It’s an American position.Vox Day @voxday
That’s absolute ahistorical bullshit. Anti-racism is anti-nationalism. Which, by definition, is anti-American. Your position is opposed to Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and Hamilton, just for starters.