I’m starting to think that the Scottish people might actually have the courage to choose independence:
David Cameron today warned that Scotland would be more at risk from terrorism if it votes for independence. The Prime Minister said the United Kingdom had the best security and intelligence services in the world to keep people safe. He said the safety of staying together in a ‘very dangerous and insecure world’ was one of the ‘strongest arguments’ against separation.
Seriously, he’s going to pull out the Terrorism Card now? Obviously the Pound Card, the NHS Card, and the Darling Card failed. Smacks of desperation, doesn’t it. If I were a Scot, I would vote for independence simply out of respect for the great Scots throughout history who died defending it. And I wonder if UKIP’s Farage might be engaging in a bit of strategic black knighting:
Speculation is growing that a poll this weekend will show a significant Yes lead for the first time at a crucial time in the campaign.
Last night, Murdo Fraser, a Tory member of the Scottish Parliament, said: ‘I think it would be best if Nigel Farage stayed as far away from Scotland as possible. The arguments for staying in the UK are strong. The majority of Scots are on our side and we don’t need a distraction at this point.’
But Ukip’s Scottish chairman, Arthur Thackeray, dismissed calls for Mr Farage to stay away as ‘absolute, complete and utter nonsense’. He said: ‘We are a mainstream party Nigel as our leader is coming up in support of a No vote.’
Who will benefit more from the excise of the heavy left-leaning vote from Westminster than UKIP? Going to Scotland and infuriating the Scots with an obnoxious, ostensibly pro-Union display would be a brilliant move by Farage.