This isn’t actually the correct cover, but Emilio has translated both A Man Disrupted and Gravity Kills into Spanish and I just finished the ebook formatting for QUANTUM MORTIS La Gravedad Mata. So, if you speak fluent Spanish and would like to read over the two books and pass on any suggestions for improvement, I would appreciate it. I should have Un Hombre Disperso ready in a week or two as I’m hoping to release them in the company of another book or three come Labor Day Weekend. Shoot me an email with SPANISH in the subject if you’d like me to send you QM-LGM now and QM-UHD when it is ready.
In completely unrelated news, the six new members of the VPFL, as determined by RANDOM.ORG will be:
- Daniel
- Simon
- Vincent Castrillo
- Slamdunk
- Drew Deuce’s
- Jartstar
Please email me with VPFL in the subject so I can assign you a team and send you the league invitations.