It is clear that due process no longer applies in the United States, at least not under emergency circumstances such as “war” and “the police are really, really scared of the bad, bad mans”:
It’s official: The drone war has come home to America. Wanted fugitive
Christopher Dorner, the homicidal former cop currently at war with the
LAPD, has become the first known human target for airborne drones on
U.S. soil. Their use was confirmed by Customs and Border Patrol
spokesman Ralph DeSio, who revealed the government’s fear that Dorner
will make a dash for the Mexican border. The fugitive has already killed
three people, according to police, and has a $1 million bounty on his
That certainly didn’t take long. It wasn’t all that long ago that I was warning this was bound to happen sooner or later and the self-appointed defenders of the State were dismissing the notion as the usual declinist alarmism. But this news should certainly harden the opposition to gun control; no one with even one-tenth of a brain is going to be willing to be disarmed by a government that is not only claiming a right of assassination without due process, but is actively making use of drones to hunt, and presumably kill, Americans in the United States.
On the plus side, it looks as if we’re getting a real-time lesson in how effective the fully mobilized and equipped police are when waging war against the people. We will have to hope that the drone operators have trigger fingers that are less twitchy than the LAPD officers; otherwise we should not be surprised if LL Cool J and half of USC’s defensive line are killed by Hellfire missiles before the end of the week.