Remember this January 1st prediction for December 2010? “The national median existing-home price will not rise 4% from $172,600 to $179,500 as predicted by NAR’s lead economist Lawrence Yun, but will fall below 165k instead.”
From yesterday’s September NAR report: “The national median existing-home price for all housing types was $171,700 in September, which is 2.4 percent below a year ago.”
Considering that the impact from the Great Mortgage Fraud hasn’t begun to appear yet in the housing statistics, I’m not the least bit concerned about this one panning out. And on that note, MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan is doing an excellent job covering what the so-called conservative media won’t. The Bill Black segment starting at 6:20 is particularly informative, although the nurse that precedes him is fantastic in her observation that virtually none of the politicians, including the Tea Party all-stars, are talking about holding the bankers responsible for their crimes. Black draws a very clear picture pointing directly at the mortgage banks as being the sole causal factor of the fraud, with the Federal Reserve becoming subsequently complicit in the coverup through its purchase of $1.5 trillion in fraudulent loans. He also explains how the “deadbeat” borrowers cannot have been responsible for committing any fraud due to their ignorance of the loan ratios and various formulas involved in framing their “liars loans” to allow their categorization as AAA-rated loans.
Black is entirely correct to say that the Federal Reserve cannot be trusted in its belated “investigation” that Bernanke announced yesterday. And it is obvious that the Treasury cannot be trusted either.
“The United States Treasury concealed $40 billion in likely taxpayer losses on the bailout of the American International Group earlier this month, when it abandoned its usual method for valuing investments, according to a report by the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.”