It has become entirely apparent that I simply can’t manage two blogs. So, rather than simply shut down the RGD economics blog or quit blogging here and focus on all economics all the time, I’m interested in finding out if there are one or two economically aware bloggers who might be interested in becoming co-bloggers there. I’d like to see it become a statistical and analytical resource, like Calculated Risk, only more focused on the factors I consider to be more relevant. My thought is that I would direct the content, including the schedule of economic data releases, produce the graphs for the data I track on a regular basis, and generally serve as the editor, but the brunt of the daily blogging would be done by the co-bloggers. There should probably be three or four posts per day, including the statistical releases with historical charts incorporated.
While there are a lot of decent econoblogs on the Internet, only CR comes close to what I think of as a one-stop statistical shop. What I’d like to see is something that is a mix of CR, Mish, and the Market Ticker, albeit with a more international flavor. Ideally, there would be one European, one American, and one Asian blogger to cover all the bases.
Anyhow, if this may happen to be of interest to you, you possess a basic knowledge of economics, and more importantly, the time to post a few times per day, let me know in the comments here. Or shoot me an email. If no one is interested, that’s fine, it’s certainly not a problem. But I thought the idea was worth throwing out there in case there is a stat geek or two with an Austrian inclination.