Carbon dioxide is “a dangerous pollutant“:
Officials gather in Copenhagen this week for an international climate summit, but business leaders are focusing even more on Washington, where the Obama administration is expected as early as Monday to formally declare carbon dioxide a dangerous pollutant.
Consider the following chain of logic:
1) Environmentalists and progressives believe there are too many people on the planet, having frequently declared this to be the case.
2) The U.S. government is reportedly going to declare carbon dioxide to be a dangerous pollutant.
3) Carbon dioxide is emitted by people who happen to breathe oxygen.
Now, are you really going to be surprised when progressives begin pushing for governments to forcibly reduce the number of mobile planet-threatening, pollution-producing factories known as “human beings”? After all, this hardly promises to be the first time it has been determined that slaughtering large quantities of people would be a necessary step in the construction of a desired societal vision.
Of course, most will deem this to be paranoia or a logical extreme. The problem is that history is very clear on the fact that the logical extreme is not infrequently an accurate predictor.
UPDATE – The Wall Street Journal on peer-review:
The Guardian even solicits “reader leaders” (to go with the extraterritorial editorial–ha ha, what wits), although if you scroll down on the page, you will see that a good many of the submissions have been “removed by a moderator.” That is what scientists call peer review.
Peer review is nothing more or less than editing. It’s not objective. It’s not even science. In fact, it’s almost the complete opposite of science, because it is entirely subjective.