Scientific evidence that science is for losers:
An Australian study into the sexual history of 185 students at the University of Sydney found male science “nerds” were the least likely to have had sexual intercourse.
If you want to banish an annoying Pharyngulan, it’s not actually the sign of the Cross over the chest that’s the most effective. It’s the sign of the L on the forehead. You know it kills them that every evangelical church and lunatic pagan astrology cult is filled with pretty young women who would be nauseated at the thought of a too-close encounter with their soft, pasty-white scientist bodies even if those bodies weren’t accompanied by the ubiquitous social autism of the self-described rationalist.
Perhaps one of these days Pharyngulans will wake up to the fact that the reason their ever-so-important scientific endeavors are so poorly rewarded is because they don’t hold any substantive material value for anyone. The fact that a large pack of avowed materialists can’t figure this out between them should suffice to demonstrate the plastic popguns that pass for intellectual firepower there.
At least they’ll always have their science degrees. I suppose there’s some consolation in that. It’s such a pity that Archbishop Dawkins didn’t have this evidence on hand to bolster his assertion of the superiority of atheist morals. He could have called it the Argument from Imposed Purity.