It appears increasingly likely that the Texas government’s mass arrest of Mormon adults and kidnapping of Mormon children was based on a fraudulent phone call, possibly by a woman with a history of making false accusations:
A 33-year-old Colorado Springs woman has been questioned about a telephone call that sparked a raid at the polygamist Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints compound in western Texas two weeks ago. Rozita Swinton was arrested at her home Wednesday night by Colorado Springs police for an incident that occurred in February. Members of the Texas Rangers were also in Colorado Springs as part of their investigation….
Texas authorities launched their raid on the compound after receiving a warrant based on a phone call from a girl named “Sarah” who called for help, claiming she was pregnant and living inside the compound with her 49-year-old abusive husband. Flora Jessop, an outspoken ex-member of the FLDS group, told KUSA-TV she believes Swinton may have been the person she spoke with by phone, who claimed to be Sarah’s twin sister. She said the woman she believes is Rozita Swinton called again Thursday morning after Swinton bailed out of the El Paso County Jail.
It will be interesting to watch the gyrations of government agents attempting to retroactively justify their outrageous actions once the details of the fraud becomes apparent to all and sundry. I don’t know if it’s actually Swinton who is responsible, but since the accused man is known to have been living in a different state than the caller reported, it’s already fairly clear that the justification for the arrests and kidnappings is based on a false foundation.