It’s not always wise to put your money where your mouth is:
Pregnancy robs a teenager of her girlhood. This stark fact is one reason girls used to be so carefully guarded and protected — in a system that at once limited their horizons and safeguarded them from devastating consequences. The feminist historian Joan Jacobs Brumberg has written that “however prudish and ‘uptight’ the Victorians were, our ancestors had a deep commitment to girls.”
We, too, have a deep commitment to girls, and ours centers not on protecting their chastity, but on supporting their ability to compete with boys, to be free — perhaps for the first time in history — from the restraints that kept women from achieving on the same level.
When described this way, feminism sounds almost noble and it’s not hard to understand its emotional appeal, not just to women but fair-minded men as well. The problem is that it’s completely based on a lie that has been repeatedly disproven by the historical, logical and scientific evidence. The modern commitment to girls has amounted to little more than an effort to turn them into inferior androgynous evolutionary dead-ends. Fortunately for Mankind, the effort fails much more often than not.
Women simply cannot compete with men without being artificially and externally advantaged by government. This is as true in the boardroom as on the basketball court. It is biology, not bias, and explains why in that a time when women are better educated than men, they still can’t manage achieve anything even remotely as significant as men regularly do. A female Steve Jobs or Bill Gates may have been unlikely, given their historical time frame, although such a beast was still theoretically quite possible. But these days, the absence of a female Niklas Zennstrom, Janus Friis, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page or Sergey Brin in a time of statistical female advantage among the educational elite is downright damning.
Although, one must note that the evidence shows the connection between what passes for education and finanancial or intellectual success to be nearly as spurious as the idea that feminism’s commitment to girls is beneficial to them.