The reason that feminism has gotten as far as it has is because far too many men simply have no balls. Or self-respect:
Betty Friedan ruined a Super Bowl party in my very own home by wearing a black leather miniskirt and swinging her (not bad) legs clad in fishnet stockings back and forth in front of the TV screen so that nobody could see the plays. She radicalized a sizable bunch of neutral men into committed anti-feminists that day.
I had to laugh when I read this. I’m trying to imagine what would have happened to any woman who tried to do that when the White Buffalo, Big Chilly and I were watching a pre-season game between Carolina and Seattle, perhaps the two NFL teams in whom we are collectively the least interested. I can’t, to be honest, but direct action would be taken with alacrity.
However, I do know that if any woman – or man, for that matter – tried to do anything like that during the Super Bowl, we would have stripped them naked and thrown them outside. In January. In Minnesota.
And I’m not exaggerating. During past Super Bowl parties hosted at the Digital Ghetto, certain men were forced to strip, don a pink taffeta gown and dive into snowdrifts from a second-story deck for far less egregious offenses. Not that I’m naming any names, Mr. Big City Investment Banker… although BCIB did salvage a few shards of dignity by doing a flip instead of the basic bellyflop.