“When I was a vet’s assistant, I always got choked up when putting a dog to sleep. With cats, I felt that all was right with the world and left work with a spring in my step.” – Chris Naron aka Catsbane
I respect the right of others to own reasonably sized cats, as long as they respect my right to never visit their homes. I loathed the skulking beasts even before I learned I was allergic to them, but I had so little to do with them that I didn’t even learn about the allergy until I was 20.
I much prefer dogs. They have some disgusting habits, to be sure, but like any good friend, they’ve always got your back. No one loves Spacebunny like her Ridgeback, she follows her everywhere, sulks when she’s gone and will defend her to the death, which, given the size and jaws, would most likely be someone else’s.