MJ reveals an insufficient feminist indoctrination… or perhaps it is that diabolical Patriarchy imposing a false consciousness on her:
I’m a 31 year old conservative Christian wife and mother. I attend an Independent Baptist Church whose leadership is about as politically incorrect as they come. I believe the pastor, if questioned would not argue against the Bible’s teaching on the proper role of a wife. Unfortunately, this important subject is not addressed. My personal opinion is that women are most to blame for poor marriages and divorces among Christian couples. (given the man is a normal guy and not some crazed misogynist) I believe this because most Christian men perform their duties as husbands that the Bible commands, but most Christian women do not. They don’t honor their husbands, they don’t obey, and they don’t maintain a household that creates a sanctuary for their husbands. The Bible is very clear about what a wife is expected to do and not do, and sadly too many Pastors and Churches (as you point out in your column) are not. There’s a phenomenal book, written for women, on this very subject. The title is Created To Be His Help Meet, and the author is Debi Pearl. If all Christian women would read this book and follow its advice, we’d live in a different world.
It is remarkable, the difference between what many pastors believe and what they are willing to say from the pulpit. This is particularly annoying when one considers how the wolves in sheep’s clothing are far bolder than the shepherds.