Sports Guy or Kwisatz Haderach?

Women do ruin everything:

A tide of lawsuits by female staff is forcing financial institutions to ban the practice of entertaining clients with a raucous night at a lapdancing club.

This also demonstrates Camille Paglia’s assertion that feminism is primarily concerned with the interests of white, upper-middle class women. I’m sure the hundreds of young women who are going to be the most affected by the disappearance of their clientele will really appreciate being forced to work for a much smaller wage at a retail shop so that a few overpriced women stockbrokers can stop feeling left out by the boys.

I’m neither a smoker nor a denizen of strip clubs, but this sort of thing makes me sick. They’re banning smoking, now they’re after strip clubs too and you can be sure they’ll get back to alchohol again when they see the opportunity. And why should anyone be surprised? When you allow women to have political influence, they immediately start acting like your mother, only on a national scale.