What’s an anti-feminist to do?

When mere mockery can’t keep pace with reality. From the Rabbi’s column on WND today:

The image of American women in the popular media has taken yet another blow with the announcement and launch of the massive promotional campaign by the Oxygen network to promote its new show, “Campus Ladies.” The show revolves around middle-aged women who return to college and decide to indulge in “age-inappropriate” behavior with young, male college students….

I find it astonishing that in my lifetime I have seen the feminist dream become a nightmare, where not a single feminist leader will speak against the tsunami of misogyny that has opened up against American women. Feminism’s highest objective was once the emphasis on female higher education. But this has now devolved into a cultural portrayal of women going to college not because they want to discover Aristotle and Shakespeare, but because they want to have orgies with men.

She laughed, she cried. Much better than cats. What the Rabbi fails to understand that this sort of thing was inevitable from the start, and desperation is never pretty. Feminism is the only ideology that makes both Communism and National Socialism look practical, sensible and humane by comparison.