Mailvox: The Future Dr. Catlady shows her claws

I take it you google your name on a daily basis to keep up with what people are saying about you? Or do you have your minions do it for you?

Actually, clicking on that little Voxicity link on the right keeps me up to speed. Mere use of such an aggregator is clearly an indication of an out-of-control Narcissis complex and a prediliction for excess autoeroticism, though, isn’t it? Whereas there’s nothing similarly narcissistic about blogging per se. It’s such a shame that you can’t privately rip people in public without them knowing about it.

Yes, I do, in fact, think you are a dumb ass-fucking evil retard. I think you attempt to act intelligent and spout off bullshit that you want others to believe. I think it makes you feel big, and elitist.

Think what you like. That doesn’t, of course, make it so. Now, a logical person would understand that if I wanted to feel elitist, I’d write mainstream Democratic Party talking points – or at least mainstream Republican Party talking points – and go on the cocktail circuit. Perhaps TFDC thinks that this sort of regurgitation that a twelve year-old can do is simply beyond me.

I also believe you are a narrow minded fool who attempts to show himself in the broadest spectrum because then you are not responsible for the opinions you express that are not progressive, intelligent, or based on fact. Particularly the ones that aren’t based on fact. Shall we talk about women writing in Science Fiction? Shall we talk about rape vs date rape?

I would think that my willingness to stand by my words and engage my critics, however lowly, would serve to demonstrate precisely the opposite of what you’re suggesting here. By all means, let us talk about the tripe that women – a few exemplary exceptions aside – are writing in Science Fiction. Do Nebula winners such as Asaro, Moon and Willis even come close in comparison to non-winners such as Stross, Stephenson and Mieville? As much as I like both Lois Bujold and her entertaining Barrayar novels, I don’t consider them to rank with the seminal works of Asimov, Clark, Heinlein, Herbert or even Gibson.

I disagree wholeheartedly with everything you say except for the recent post about America being free and brave at the moment. I agree with your basic sentiments there, I am afraid I have to shy away from agreeing with you since you like to twist things to suit your own purposes.

And it’s amazing how easily I can do that, isn’t it. Almost as if I’m some sort of idiot savante.

I am a woman who not only thinks, even though I do enjoy my moments of goofy bliss from time to time, but am a scientist, and attempting to obtain my DVM and my PhD in infectious disease.

We shall all, I’m sure, wait with bated breath to learn of your forthcoming contributions to human knowledge. Where would we be without women constantly pushing forward science and technology?

Lastly I am not a feminist, I do not proclaim to be a feminist, although I do believe in equal rights etc. I did not post a link to you, your blog, or point people to you in order to join in ritual bashing. I did post the name Vox Day and my opinion about the personality behind the name. If you notice, none of my commentors took the time to blast you out of the water, did they? I expressed an opinion which I was planning on going back to clarify later. Of course, heaven forbid I have one of those since I’m a woman.

If you believe in genuine equality, then you are truly no feminist. Good for you. However, I don’t see why you think either I or heaven would forbid you having an opinion. I expect everyone to have opinions. I also expect most of them to express, in varying degrees, ignorance, unreason and cognitive incompetence. You have not disappointed.

The tattoo, is one of a cat, on my shoulder blade. I own a cat, I own a dog, I own a lizard, and I have a fiance and a family. I’m sorry I don’t agree with the fact that I should allow myself to be frail and be protected by the men in my life. I guess I just gave that up when I accepted the right to vote, own my own property, and be more than a brood mare. In lieu of expecting every man in my family to protect me, I find that I am more than capable of handling my own protection.

That’s what every woman thinks until she runs into the first man who decides to make her a victim. I hope that you will be fortunate enough to be able to maintain your belief in this delusion.

I feel pity for uppity bastards like you and many of your commentators who feel the need to prove that they are right and instead letting someone have their own opinion.

Yes, it’s much nicer to simply assert that you are right in the hopes that no one will question you, isn’t it? You’d think a scientist would understand the concept of the necessity for one’s hypotheses to withstand testing, but then, the mere possession of academic credentials rarely suffices to demonstrate one’s ability in the related field. TFDC can have whatever opinions she likes. But the mere fact of her having them doesn’t make them correct; indeed her performance here tends to suggest the opposite.

I’m very happy that you all get off on slamming people who aren’t what you expect. Especially since it’s part of human nature, and I’m not overly pissed that you are insulting me. I’m just pissed that you used a goofy post on my part when I was having fun with friends as a way to justify your fucked up points of view.

Correction: I take pleasure in dissecting the opinions of those who are not only precisely what I expect, but think and behave in such a predictable manner. And how deeply shocking it is to discover that an educated, professional woman-to-be should resent being held responsible for her words and actions.

If you don’t want to get pissed on, steer clear of the big dogs.