As El Zinko Pinko, (President, VPQF), Snowdog and Bane can all attest*, I am one of the more gay-friendly Bible-thumping intolerant Christian bigots of the right.
But here’s one thing that puzzles me about what appears to be the Official Party Line of the Lavender Brigades. Feel free to correct me if I’m mischaracterizing something here, but it seems to me that the assertions are:
1. An individual is gay because he knows he is. The assertion is the proof.
2. There are no external causes, a gay individual simply knows he has always been that way.
3. If someone decides he is not, in fact, gay, he is incorrect and is only deceiving himself.
Now, if it is possible for someone to be mistaken about their sexual orientation, how is it possible that only those who are insisting that they are not gay that can be mistaken? If it is not possible for someone to be mistaken about their sexual orientation, how is it possible to deny the testimony of someone who was gay, but now is not, that it is possible for sexual orientation to change?
I don’t have an actual point here, I was just wondering. Not that this will likely do any good, but in the comments, please do try to stick to the logical aspects and not digress into verses about sin, smiting and Sodom. We pretty much covered that yesterday following the Swaggart post.
Craig, that gushing over Sean Hannity’s hair only earned you probationary VPQF status. Until we get a ruling from Zinky, you don’t get a vote.