The jury has sent the judge another question.
Question: Since no proof has been offered by the government that the defendant’s business is required to file under Section 7202, are we to assume that they are not required to file or are we to read all 7000 pages of businesses required to file?
Answer from Judge: I have made a legal determination that during the years in question, Arrow Plastics had a legal duty to collect Social Security, Medicare and FICA and forward those taxes to the U.S.A. and the defendant’s business falls into the category of businesses required to file. They should not concern themselves as to the requirement for the defendant’s business to file.
The defense objected that this amounted to a directed verdict. The judge overruled the objection.
After this, the verdict came back guilty on 29 of 31 counts. Which is understandable, given the fact that the judge simply made up the law and directed the verdict. “They should not concern themselves as to the requirement for the defendant’s business to file.” That was what the whole case was about; it was precisely what the jury was there to judge! This is why you must never use a lawyer in these circumstances. The jury has the power to judge the law; the judge does not, but no lawyer will dare to bring up jury nullification for fear of being disbarred. It’s too bad the Simkanin jury did not know its own power.
Since there’s now no law as written, it’s clear that Aleister Crowley’s rule is now in effect. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” I don’t expect this to turn out well, in the long run. The socialist crisis is approaching – what will they do when strong arm tactics such as these still don’t cause freedom-loving people to submit? And what will the next honest and informed entrepeneur take from this lesson in judicial tyranny? Some will submit and pay the taxes they know they don’t owe. Some will resist and go to jail with their head held high. And some will quietly leave the country, never to return.
A nation that persecutes its best and brightest doesn’t tend to survive long.